Welcome to The PAUSE
a place for women to navigate through all phases of menopause together
I am so happy we found one another!
The transition through menopause is unique for every woman.
That is why it’s so hard to find a one size fits all solution to many of the symptoms or experiences we may go through as we transition through menopause. Hormone fluctuations can cause mood swings, hot flashes, weight gain and brain fog.
Does any of this sound familiar? I am sure you have a multitude of items of your own to add to this list!
I want to help you discover that you have control over how you look and feel. More control than you thought was possible during this chapter of your life.
If you are a peri-menopausal, menopausal or postmenopausal woman, caught up in the mystery of menopause, this is the place for you! Join me on the journey to start shifting your thinking so you can begin to enjoy life where you are now, not some time in the future when the kids are older, when you have settled your aging parents or when you are retired.
Take a “Pause” and start to rediscover you. The you who you want to be. Let’s create that future version of yourself now, the version of who is loving and living the best life imaginable.